Dr Biren Nadkarni has specialization in performing Intra-Articular Injections Procedure

The intra-articular injection is that type of shot directly inserted into a joint to get relief from pain. The most famous drugs inserted into the joints for this procedure are local anaesthetics, corticosteroids (steroids), Botox, and hyaluronic acid.

Suppose conservative medications like oral anti-inflammatory medication, pain relievers and physical therapy do not work out to improve your condition. In that case, your doctor might consider an intra-articular injection for the same.

The technique used to treat inflammatory joint disorders, like rheumatoid arthritis, gout, psoriatic arthritis, tendonitis, bursitis, and rarely osteoarthritis, is a joint injection (intra-articular injection) medicine. In the infected joint, a hypodermic needle is injected and delivers a dosage of each of the various anti-inflammatory drugs, the most common of which are corticosteroids.


It is not uncommon to bring pathology to a physician or general practitioner that involves the intra-articular injection of corticosteroids, hyaluronic acid, or a local anaesthetic. First, an articular injection indicates the diagnosis that should be performed carefully; next, the objective analysis should be completed with secondary effects connected to both the product and the injection. It is necessary to examine the state of asepsis, the injection amount, the selection of needles and even the injections’ manner. Hyaluronic acid trials are frequently inconsistent, ranging from a moderate outcome to significant pain relief.


With the increasing focus on early disease prevention in rheumatoid disease, the intra-articular corticosteroid therapy’s appeal has expanded. These can promote patient compliance to delay the course of the disease with longer-term therapies offered. Any generalised improvement is also provided with the corticosteroids being released into the bloodstream. In other inflammatory arthritides, there are fewer proofs to justify the uses of intra-articular corticosteroids, but practice shows that the advantages are the same. The services are less confident in osteoarthritis, but intra-articular therapy can prove essential in patients who, due to intercurrent disease, do not perform rescue operative procedures. Knee injections have been documented in most controlled trial results, but other joints may be valuable targets for local therapy. The most satisfactory defence is the cautious aseptic technique. There are unusual tissue atrophy issues at the injection site, abnormal uterine bleeding, hypertension, and hyperglycemia.


1- On the table with the leg out, the patient is supine (some physicians prefer that the knee goes to 90 degrees). The knee is testing to assess the volume of joint fluid present and inspect the joint or underlying tissues for overlying cellulitis or co-existing pathology.

2- The patella’s superior lateral component palpated. This position provides Synovium with the most direct entry.

3- Skin treated with a solution of povidone-iodine. Although there is no agreement about whether sterile gloves should be used, the practitioner should be gloved. 

4- Aspiration is done after 1 to 1⁄4 inches of the needle has been applied, and the syringe must be filled with blood.

5- It is possible to put a hemostat on the hub of the needle until the syringe has been filled. The syringe can be removed, and the fluid can be submitted for experiments with the hand secured with the hemostat. Proper care must be taken to ensure that the needle’s tip should not be touched against the joint surfaces if possible.


The most common chronic musculoskeletal condition affecting the elderly population is osteoarthritis (OA), also called degenerative joint disease. The use of viscosupplementation, i.e., intra-articular (IA) hyaluronic acid (HA) drug therapy, for the treatment of OA, is increasing globally, owing to positive findings from many clinical trials reporting increases in functional operation and pain control linked to IA HA.

Pre Surgery

As Dr. Biren Nadkarni says that  Intra-articular injection of corticosteroids into the hip and knee is also recommended to relieve pain and inflammation in patients with osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis, especially when it leads up to scheduled arthroplasty. This research aims to chart the diagnostic hip injection ability following arthroscopic surgical management to forecast short-term practical effects.

Post Surgery

Side effects are unusual from this treatment. Where you have been injecting, discomfort is the most common side effect. Bleeding and illness include some. Hip injection pain relief can last for several months, but this can vary from one patient to another patient.
Dr Biren Nadkari says that the outcomes of cortisone shots depend on the cause of the injection. Cortisone shots usually cause a transient flare of pain and discomfort for up to 48 hours following injection.


Infection at the injected site can occur occasionally. Repeated intra-articular injection into a joint adds to damages to the cartilage. Thus, injection into a single joint can only repeat after a period of a few months.


The growing prevalence and high burden of OA disease drive the need for efficient and cohesive treatment solutions, further underlining the difficulty of conservative OA treatment options available.

There are several inherent characteristics of IA therapies that may have benefits over systemic therapies: improved protection, a lower dosage of treatment, and a positive use from placebo. However, there is still insufficient knowledge of their strengths by OARSI and other guidelines, and broader and longer-term trials are required to validate initial promising effects and substantiate IA therapies’ applicability.

Consult Dr Biren Nadkarni for Intra-Articular Injections Procedure