Dr. Biren Nadkarni has specialization in performing Meniscal Meniscectomy surgery.

A meniscectomy is a process in which surgery is done that helps in treatment of damaged meniscus.Men’s kaise structure made of cartilage that helps your knees in working properly and there are two types of meniscus present in our knee. one is lateral meniscus that is present near the outer edge of your knee joint and the other one is the medial meniscus tear that is present near the edge of the inside of your knee.

A meniscectomy is done when the patient has a torn meniscus which is  a common injury. In every 1 lakh people 66 people have a meniscus tear every year. The goal of the surgery is to separate the fragments of web discuss that stick out of the joint and these fragments can interfere with the movement of your joint and can also cause pain and stiffness in your knees.

Do I need to do anything to prepare?

It’s helpful to start by doing exercises that will help you in strengthening, few weeks before your surgery. the stronger your muscles around your knee are the easier and the faster recovery you will be having. You can also talk to your doctor before the surgery and take some advices from him and you can also tell your doctor about all the prescriptions and the over-the-counter medicines that you take. You can also ask the doctors which medication you need to stop before the surgery because there are some medicines that people use that might make them bleed more easily. You can also make sure that you have someone to drive you home after the surgery is completed specially if you have to go home on the same day of the completion of the surgery. On the day of the surgery the surgeon probably ask you not to eat or drink anything before 8 to 12 hours before the procedure.

Arthroscopic surgery

It is done usually by making three small incisions around your knee. then a lighted scope camera is inserted through an incision and the tools which are used to perform the surgery was also inserted inside your name with the help of the incision. All the structures of Dhoni examine with the help of the camera that was inserted inside and when the tear is found then a small piece or the entire meniscus is removed. The tools and the scopes are being removed and the incidents are also closed with a suture or with the help of the surgical tape stripes.

Open surgery

In the open surgery a large incision is made over your knee and the entire knee joint is exposed. After their stunning joint is examined properly by the surgeons in order to identify the tear. After the tear has been identified then the damaged part of the entire meniscus is removed carefully and then the incision is sewn or stapled closed.

Post surgery procedures

After the surgery as completed you will be in the recovery room for about one or two hours and as soon as you wake up your knee will be painful and swollen. Swelling can be managed by elevating and icing during me for the first few days after the surgery has been completed and then you will be prescribed with some pain killers and some other medications for the first two or three weeks. Dani may be infected with local and thus the take or long-acting to colour the thing that may make having to take an opioid less likely. After this an anti-inflammatory drug can also be given that will help in relieving the pain. you will also be allowed to put weight on your knees and will be able to stand and walk as soon as you are out of the recovery room but you will probably need crutches for walking for the first few weeks. Your Doctor can tell you how much weight you can put on your leg and you will also be given some home exercises to perform that will help in regaining the strength and mobility of your knee. You might also take some physical home therapies that will also help in providing strength and mobility to your knee faster.

How long does recovery take?

The recovery period after the surgery can be about 4 to 6 weeks depending upon the surgical approach that was used to treat you. There are some factors that affect the recovery time:

  • Type of meniscectomy
  • Severity of injury
  • Overall health
  • The success of your physical therapy or home exercises

The pain and swelling that was caused after the surgery will quickly get wetter after taking some anti inflammatory drugs. On the second or third day of the surgery you should be able to perform your daily activities such as your household work. You will also be allowed to return back to work if your job does not involve a lot of standing for running or lifting heavy objects.

After 1 to 2 weeks after the completion of the surgery you will be able to enjoy a full range of motion of your name and you should also be able to use your leg for driving after one to two weeks after the surgery. after the four to six weeks of the surgery you will be able to start playing sports and you can also return to work that involves a lot of standing, running and lifting heavy objects.

Are there any risks?

After the completion of the surgery people can be exposed to some of the risks like infections. If your incision is not clean properly then bacteria can get inside your knee and this can cause severe infections. There are few signs that will help you in knowing if there is infection inside your name like you will experience pain and swelling and drainage from the incision. There is also a chance of blood clotting that forms in your leg vein. Your risk for admin goes up after any surgery because blood stays in one place if you are not moving your leg very often while you regain your strength.

Meniscectomy can be considered a very safe process and it can also give you a full range of motions in a time of about 4 to 6 weeks.

Consult Dr Biren Nadkarni for Meniscal Meniscectomy Surgery